



Who is a Salesbunny Merchant?

What Salesbunny Offers Business Owner (Merchants)

If your profile is similar to our Ideal customer and you are interested in what Salesbunny Offer, then these are the benefits you get as a merchant on our platform follow next steps to sign up on Salesbunny. 

Online Store

Merchants can now own an online store for their products and services

Alternative to Sales

For those actively using other forms of advertising, we provide an alternative promotional channel

Increase Sales

Salesbunny provides an alternative medium to Increase sales without spending money on advert

Minimize Time

Save time spent on Promotional Activities.

Access to Promoters

We help grow your brand awareness by giving your business to over 1000 Promoter

Salesbunny is Free

Come onboard and enjoy benefits with ZERO Upfront Cost

Signup Process

Becoming a Salesbunny Merchant

Is Easy and Can Be Done 3 Simple Steps

Select a Plan & Signup

Showcase your special deals and offers, manage your inventory, and position yourself ready for promotion.

Set up Your Store

Start Selling and Fulfilling Orders